a glimpse

Monday, September 27, 2010

My eyes were half closed when I found my phone underneath my compiles of shitty files on my workplace and keyed in an SMS to my big bro. "bro , i need the parking card by today.. we meet up at my ofc da" And then i got a reply " K "

LOL.. who thought my bro that i wonder.. a letter K.. for reply.. last time i remember he pull out a big issue understanding my sms e.i " btw,nvmd ..gtg..c u..LMAO..etc..( ahaha as time passed by )

A loud ringing sound interrupted my dreamless day dreaming several moments later. It was already 13.30 and we were due to help up a short briefing this 1400hrs. I reluctantly dragged myself out of my hard ass chair, taking my tumbdrive and "project copy+paste on the move. The sun was shy and rain started pouring but I was far from feeling chill.

I trudged along as I walked the short distance to the brief room next door. si B and J were sitting ready for briefing as i was busy transferring the copied brief presentation. S gimme a rollin eyes and staring blankly at the computer screen." shoot the projector ain't workin..who're still using this whole oldies junkie..

talking bout how cheap's cake they are. ..seriously some stuff around here a way to looong..sitting here.. poor us.Briefing finished and juz looking at their confuse / blurry made me want to crawl back to my rig and forget about it all.

this could happen if you waaay to boring and blur
a so boring lame..same old things to do.. yada yada..

"So...M, can you tell me why we cant save the previous user date from the xxxx Is it stable or not stable?" asked Mr L, his eyes checking the namelist on the report.
H paused, and muttered "Uhm.. yeah it's stable...I think.." His eyes were oddly glazed over as he stared at the 17" Dell LCD.
"It's shown here...blah blah balhabalabl.." me nodding avoiding silly argument.

1600: off to smoke..my 2nd stick for today.. as usual a cup of white coff and a puff saving the day.. sigh..

a glimpse wiz my workplace...
save it for more later...chiaou!

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