Kekalahan England
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Semalam menyaksikan 1 kekalahan yg memalukan buat pasukan pilihanku di world cup 2010.pasukan pilihan yg digembar-gemburkan akan mencipta sejarah di piala dunia itu akhirnye tumbang di tangan seteru mereka Jerman dgn kekalahan 4 - 1.Dan semalam juga , menyaksikan betapa kecewa & malunya para penyokong England ( termasuk aku ) yg menyaksikan perlawanan itu dr stadium, kedai mamak...atau rumah.. Aku memilih utk menontonnye bersama rakan2 ku zahar & yatie & tak lupe isteri tershayang blog bini aku yg online melalui Facebook dr Melbourne. Walaupun kejauhan , sempat juga kami semua berbalas komen2 panas di facebook wall.
Ok , berbalik kpd kekalahan bodoh itu tadi, spt biase, setiap kekalahan, pastinye adelah alasan2 dr pihak pnykong fanatik nk cover stress.. so bg aku.. dr pemerhatian aku.. 10mins yg pertama mmg agak slow.. dimana masing2 msih mencari rentak, pas sana..pas then ..beberapa percubaan ala2 budak darjah 4 dr ke 2-2 pihak...
dan selepas itu.. bermula laa kehanjingan segalanya...pd minit ke 20 ,gol pertama dr Klose yg dengan mudah menolak bola hasil sepakan gol ( yer sepak dr goal keeper yer ) trus ke kaki klose.. ( ko nmpak x.. betapa hanjingnye defend England ni.. )..bwat malu kt Mick Jagger je .. ( U ROCK !! )
Ok berikutan rumusan laporan punca2 kekalahan pasukan femes lebih nih..
1-Pertahanan yg mcm pondan.(pondan lg bagus main)
- gabungan Terry , A.COle, harem..masing mcm xde mood nk main.. seriously a CHELSEA die hard fan, so im quite understand how Terry and Cole defending CHelSea's goal..mmg susah nk lepas 2 ekor ni,upson aku tataw, so aku aidaikan..keserasian yg kurang & posisi / cara permainan yg kurang sesuai diberi oleh KAPELO ni..tidak lupe juga , perbalahan pendapat antara terry ngan Kapello..ntah ape digaduhkanye.. so masing2 moral low la kan..
2-pengadil tido atau rabun
- yg ini lah yg aku paneh skali.. percubaan dr Lampard tidak disahkan oleh pengadil, kerana menjangkakan rembatan itu tidak masuk dan hanya melantun di bahagian atas tiaang & atas garisan.. ( WTF )..ala korang bley tgk highlight kt tv bnyak2 kali..da mmg sah dan clear.. bola tuh masuh more than a yard ke dalam gol..cuma lantunannye keluar gol..(it was happen to West Germany before in 1966, surf it out k ) Mmg betul, hasil "Replay" video tidak diterima dlm menentukan keputusan pengadil..TETAPI.. pengadil 1 seharusnya.."Pause" sat game tuh dan merujuk pnjaga garisan beliau secara serius.. amik mase btul2..\
Bagi aku..gol itu amat bermakna utk menentukan CARA permainan & MORAL para pemain bg tempoh beberapa puluh minit could have changed the game..ku rase penjaga garisan tuh da kene belasah kot...ramai nk tunggu dia tepi simpang sana..
3-Kehebatan Jerman
Tidak dinafikan , gabungan serangan dr pemain2 muda Jerman ini jauh lebih hebat , LAJU berbanding pemain tua ENGLAND who was sluggish and slow in comparison to the Germans and gave them no defensive resistance..aku lebih tertarik kpd cara permainan Thomas Müller, Mesut Ozil and Miroslav Klose ini.. walaupun Klose agak tua, tp pengalaman membuktikan dia masih berbisa.. pastu si Muller ni ( UMO baru 20 yer )mmg laju , cergas..mcm terlebih gula..di mana2 dia ade.. aku pasti dia akan menyandang pembalut bahu kapten jerman 1 hari nanti..Kelincahan & kehebatan ke 2 eko pemain ni..disamping bantuan hantaran oleh rakan2 yg mmg tepat dan kemas..memberi 1 elemen kejutan kpd pemain ENG.. mereka seolah2 blur..& tataw nk bwayt ape.. ..pelik..btul
4-Banyak star yg ampeh
setahu aku, bnyak player2 ENG ni..gaji depa dr 300 ke 450 ribu pound..They are a collection of egoistic highly paid set of individuals who cant play in world events as a team.. smalam aku rase mcm tgk si GErard & Lampard je mai bola....rooney duk tepi padang ke.. pastu defoe pun ade lah acah2 try..pastu sparuh mase ke 2.. KAPELO masukan si heskey plak.. hahaha.. ak rase dia sentuh 2 kali je kot bola tuh..bercuti ke afrika katenye..tidak lupe juga kpd David James.. ( dia ni goalie utk team paling bawah dlm EPL ) ko paham2 je laa.. nk gelak pun ade
aku rase itu je punca2 besar kekalahan ENgland ini , dan aku harapkan Jerman akan bermain di FINAL nanti..jgn balik awal jugak sudah..
td aku baca,, yg Kapelo x merancang nk resign dan dia akan berbincang dgn FA akan hala tuju england strusnye.. ( mmg muka x besalah )..
Harapan dia setrusnye EURO 2010 di Ukraine.. goodluck ENGland.. better luck next time..
such a cliché
Friday, June 25, 2010
how can we act cool in FB and at the same times, gather potential interest on your MLM
this is my understanding on new desperate way to gather downlines / business partner thru internet.
1. withdraw as money you can get, from any available can try your saving, friends & family.
remember, it is for once you can deposit it back after the 2nd step later.
2.get the best shot , pose with that money, try get an angle where it will show clearly that you have multiple notes in your hands.its not necessarily to have bunch of notes as 10k, a 20pcs of $50 will do enough. Remember that in psychology ,viewer ( potential downlines ) will impress with that multiple , decorative notes, rather than count the total and where did you get the money. With a simple graphic software , you could add up a nice wording ,such as " Look , how much i gather in 1 weeks just hanging round at home without doing anything" OR " Do you want to be like this?. Why wait?. act now." or what ever sample text you can grab from your upline business page.
Another trick is, use the same money that you have to pay to join the program as you dummy. If the starter package is $2300 so yo will have 46 pcs of $50 notes in your hands ( DUHH ).
3.The next step is almost the same as above, but instead using money, we gonna pose with an assets . You can use any properties that will show, reflect who you are.Here i like to use a car.Get the best shot with any luxury car that you can find.Try BMX ;p, Mercedes,.. blah blah..Just get a quick shot while the owner is not around.
4.Start post all the pics all over the internet. Try add it up with a motivation quote , a fake testimony..or any wording, text you can come up with. Be creative, as this is your folio to lure in all the potential business partner in the internet. Be sure to put in ridiculous text -- potential earn such " get $999,999 while sleep at home " ( What the....).im not sure how many ppl will fall into it.. hahah. Remember, MONEY = Attraction , MORE MONEY = more Attraction.
Seriously...i dont have any issue againts MLM some of it really good and LOGIC up for their objective. The products are clear , and they are helping each other in their business networking to archive the goal.I do understand some of the pics posted over the internet are genuine. Bear in mind..a millionaire in MLM doesn't happen overnight. Im also one of MLM member as well, and im aware with the phrase , " its to good to be true "and"There's no such thing as a free lunch".
so beyond lame.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
What do you choose to write in a blog? what type of blog you want to create?how often you are going to post? this are few things that a blogger need to have a thought when they wanna start a blog.
Should it be a formal / casual blog?.. a personal journal?.. yet it can be really hard to publish a post if you are really not in the mood to write and elaborate a certain issue.what stop you?..
Is there some aspect of your life you're excited to share?it can be an online diary..ppl might interested to know more about your daily routine. Exa: ppl might excited to know what happen to your poor kitten , stuck on a roof , etc..OR ,ppl maybe have passion to know what is your cup size. This is a WEB connection and face it, there are millions psycho maniac out there dying to know more about "you". Remember a controversy always a lure for attentions ( works good for all the attentions seekers..period ).
As for me, i prefer a quarter of self journal and a quarter of idea&critic based on what is around me. ( a daily , weekly visualize ). for a start i might focus on film critic.signing off for 16Jun be continue....
Should it be a formal / casual blog?.. a personal journal?.. yet it can be really hard to publish a post if you are really not in the mood to write and elaborate a certain issue.what stop you?..
Is there some aspect of your life you're excited to share?it can be an online diary..ppl might interested to know more about your daily routine. Exa: ppl might excited to know what happen to your poor kitten , stuck on a roof , etc..OR ,ppl maybe have passion to know what is your cup size. This is a WEB connection and face it, there are millions psycho maniac out there dying to know more about "you". Remember a controversy always a lure for attentions ( works good for all the attentions seekers..period ).
As for me, i prefer a quarter of self journal and a quarter of idea&critic based on what is around me. ( a daily , weekly visualize ). for a start i might focus on film critic.signing off for 16Jun be continue....
The 10 Most Annoying Passengers
10) Frowning Faces: I like smiles. I especially like them come row 40, so please, throw a smile my way. Sounds easy enough, right?
9) Misuse of Overhead Compartments: If you're one of the first 10 passengers to board, shoving your jacket into the overhead bin is a total a-hole move. It's frustrating to have to check someone's carry-on because your jacket has taken up half the overhead bin when it could easily have gone under the seat in front of you.brandi lynn flight attendant
8) Creating Obstacles in the Aisle: Legs, feet, shoulders, elbows, knees, heads ... bags, purses, shoes, pillows ... Aisles are small. Galley carts are big. It's hard seeing around a 200-lb. galley cart, so I hit countless body parts daily (and feel terrible doing it). I'm asking -- no, I'm begging -- please keep all of your personal objects, and your person, out of the aisle until I've passed you. Then, feel free to take the aisle back over.
7) Rolling Your Eyes When I Can't Help You Hoist Your Carry-On Into the Overhead Bin: I understand that you might need a hand getting your luggage into the overhead. I can't risk hurting myself for you or your bag -- I don't want to get an OJI (on the job injury) and be out of work. I'm genuinely sorry I have to say no. I really am ... until you roll your eyes. Then, you've lost all sympathy
6) Not Paying Attention to My Exit-Row Briefing: Your chatting on the phone/talking to the person next to you during my exit-row briefing is not only annoying, but it gives me the right to remove you from that row with extra leg room. I have to know you are willing and able to do what I'm asking. It's simple. Listen for a minute (yes, I know you've "heard this 200 times before, but it's not going to kill you to listen again and then I'll be on my way. That simple.
5) Leaving Your Headphones on While Ordering: "Whaaaaat?" Press pause, take them out for just a tiny moment and tell me what you want. I'll love you for life.
4) Telling Me What My Job Is: I'm paid to handle an emergency situation. My slinging drinks, chat-chatting andflight attendant hot meal being friendly while bringing you blankets, tissues, cups of water and little peanuts is just an added bonus for you. If you have a heart attack and there's no doctor on the plane, I'm there and can try to keep your heart going. So please, please do not tell me what my job is.
3) Complaining About My Limited Food Supply: We know airlines used to serve free, hot meals in main cabin. We also know many airlines have gone bankrupt in the past 10 years. They have had to make cuts -- from no meals to fewer flights to outrageous bag-check fees -- which suck all around. But I have no control over that, so please keep your comments to yourself -- or write a letter.
2) Handing Me Dirty Diapers: Ewww. There is a lavatory on every airplane with a very nice and well-functioning garbage can. Enough said.
1) Poking Me: It's rude to point, so it logically follows that it's super-rude to poke/touch/rub/violate your crew members. Keep fingers and hands to yourself please. I have enough bruises from pointy fingers jabbing into my shoulder and butt to last a lifetime.
9) Misuse of Overhead Compartments: If you're one of the first 10 passengers to board, shoving your jacket into the overhead bin is a total a-hole move. It's frustrating to have to check someone's carry-on because your jacket has taken up half the overhead bin when it could easily have gone under the seat in front of you.brandi lynn flight attendant
8) Creating Obstacles in the Aisle: Legs, feet, shoulders, elbows, knees, heads ... bags, purses, shoes, pillows ... Aisles are small. Galley carts are big. It's hard seeing around a 200-lb. galley cart, so I hit countless body parts daily (and feel terrible doing it). I'm asking -- no, I'm begging -- please keep all of your personal objects, and your person, out of the aisle until I've passed you. Then, feel free to take the aisle back over.
7) Rolling Your Eyes When I Can't Help You Hoist Your Carry-On Into the Overhead Bin: I understand that you might need a hand getting your luggage into the overhead. I can't risk hurting myself for you or your bag -- I don't want to get an OJI (on the job injury) and be out of work. I'm genuinely sorry I have to say no. I really am ... until you roll your eyes. Then, you've lost all sympathy
6) Not Paying Attention to My Exit-Row Briefing: Your chatting on the phone/talking to the person next to you during my exit-row briefing is not only annoying, but it gives me the right to remove you from that row with extra leg room. I have to know you are willing and able to do what I'm asking. It's simple. Listen for a minute (yes, I know you've "heard this 200 times before, but it's not going to kill you to listen again and then I'll be on my way. That simple.
5) Leaving Your Headphones on While Ordering: "Whaaaaat?" Press pause, take them out for just a tiny moment and tell me what you want. I'll love you for life.
4) Telling Me What My Job Is: I'm paid to handle an emergency situation. My slinging drinks, chat-chatting andflight attendant hot meal being friendly while bringing you blankets, tissues, cups of water and little peanuts is just an added bonus for you. If you have a heart attack and there's no doctor on the plane, I'm there and can try to keep your heart going. So please, please do not tell me what my job is.
3) Complaining About My Limited Food Supply: We know airlines used to serve free, hot meals in main cabin. We also know many airlines have gone bankrupt in the past 10 years. They have had to make cuts -- from no meals to fewer flights to outrageous bag-check fees -- which suck all around. But I have no control over that, so please keep your comments to yourself -- or write a letter.
2) Handing Me Dirty Diapers: Ewww. There is a lavatory on every airplane with a very nice and well-functioning garbage can. Enough said.
1) Poking Me: It's rude to point, so it logically follows that it's super-rude to poke/touch/rub/violate your crew members. Keep fingers and hands to yourself please. I have enough bruises from pointy fingers jabbing into my shoulder and butt to last a lifetime.
ceria skit
I lost track where did i had this.. but it was in my fb notes since march 20 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009 at 5:24pm
Agen: helo pusat panggilan ***** SLamat ptg sya ***** bley sya bantu?
En M: hye sya nk tnya
En M: kalo pakai 3g maxis surf intenet..ade charge x?
Agen: yp
Agen: ada
En M: Wifi x de kan?
En M: mahal kew
Agen: ikut rate semasa la kot
En M: ape maksud cik dgn rate semasa tu
En M: adakah ***** ade beberapa jenis pakej yg sesuai utk melayari internet dr phone
En M: Sejauh manakah keberkesanan nya..liputan maxis itu
En M: Adakah kadar ketika melayari internet sama dengan membuat panggilan telefon
EN M: Adakah kadar ketika melayari internet di cas mengikut jumlah Kb per saat
( tidoq ka ..makan ka>? )
Agen: sebentar yer..panggilan anda sedang di sambungkan ke agent khidmat pelanggan kami
En M: hanj nyew cust service agent!
Agen: en. di larang mencarut iye..
Agen: kalo x sy release line nie
En M: Berapakah kelajuan yg terbaik dgn 3g ***** ketika melyari laman sesawang **********. com
En M: Berapakah kelajuan yg terbaik dgn 3g ***** ketika melyari laman sesawang lucah
En M: Adakah ianya sama.. dan bagaimanakah kadar yg di cas
EN M: Adakah kerana laman sesawang *********** dicas dgn kadar domestic
EN M: manakala laman sesawang lucah di cas dgn kadar luar negara
Agen: sesawang? itu sy perlu sambungkan en. kepada agent kami..agent spiderman
En M: Bilakah masa yg sesuai utk melayari laman sesawang melalui ***** Mobile Portal
En M: Adakah kadar kemuncak waktu utk melayari ***** Portal
Agen: atau p0n..en. bole tnya r* dia kadang2 ada juga bersihkan sesawang kat siling umah yer
En M: Adakah waktu kemuncak itu same dgn kemuncak waktu nk CUM!
Agen: itu agent kami r*dy bole dia selalu bersihkan sesawang dlm keadaan kemuncak
Agen : especially sesawang dlm dia bole skodeng org dlm toilet..mgkn masa itu dia cum..
EN M: deng kencing berdarah deng!
(NOte: Nama Agen dan beberapa laman web terpaksa di rahsiakan demi menjaga senstiviti segelintir pelayar Facebook.. Sekian)
Hadapi dugaan
Hidup ini penuh dengan ujian. Memang perit dan pedih untuk menghadapinya. Tapi kita kena faham konsep "ujian" di dalam perspektif Islam. Kerana sekiranya kita tidak faham dengan jelas, kita akan cepat putus asa, kecewa dan lebih membahayakan apabila kita buruk sangka terhadap Allah SWT. Jadi, bagaimana ingin memujuk hati yang sedang berduka lara itu???
Pujuklah dengan berzikir dan mengingati Allah....dan bacalah Al Quran... sesungguhnya, banyaklah sudah isi-isi yang tersingkap di dalamnya...... segala jawapan ada di dalamnya....
Kenapa aku diuji?
Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan; "Kami telah beriman," sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta."
-Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3
Kenapa aku tak dapat apa yang aku idam-idamkan?
Boleh jadi mau membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216
Kenapa ujian seberat ini?
Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286
Rasa Frust?
Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman.
- Surah Al-Imran ayat 139
Bagaimana aku harus menghadapinya?
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya, kamu berjaya mencapai kemenangan).
- Surah Al-Imran ayat 200
"Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk".
- Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45
Apa yang aku dapat daripada semua ini?
Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mukmin, diri, harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga untuk mereka....
-Surah At-Taubah ayat 111
Kepada siapa aku berharap?
Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain dariNya.
Hanya kepadaNya aku bertawakkal. dicuri dari
-Surah At-Taubah ayat 129
Aku dah tak tahan lagi!!!!!!!
......dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yang kafir.
- Surah Yusuf ayat 12
and here i am. and there..... sigh!
personality test |
1. Click this website : click me
2. Take the Personality Quiz
3. Copy Paste the result to your blog or Facebook
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.
2. Take the Personality Quiz
3. Copy Paste the result to your blog or Facebook
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.
betul tak...?
Drama/Filem Melayu
1. 80% jalan cerita berkisar tentang:
a. Cinta.
b. Cinta 3 segi.
c. Cinta 4 segi.
d. Anak-anak rebut harta pusaka.
e. Kalau keluarga kaya, anak2 rebut sapa nak gantikan Tan Sri (ayah) jadi Pengerusi, CEO atau Presiden syarikat.
2. Walau pun cerita pasal awek kilang, rumah awek kilang ni mesti complete furnished. Ada TV 29", Home Teatre, peti sejuk besar, set sofa mewah. (Director tak buat home work ker? Pegi la tengok umah awek kilang kat Sungei Way tu).
3. Cerita polis lak, dialah pegawai penyiasat, dialah jadi forensic, dialah jadi pathologist, dialah yang gi ambush. Semuanya DIA yang buat. Polis lak dialog pakai bahasa buku. "Saya rasa kita patut siasat dengan lebih terperinci tuan". " Betul cadangan awak itu. Kita bertindak sekarang".
4. Kalau cerita pasal Construction, bawak satu pelan gulung, pakai topi KUNING, tunjuk-tunjuk kat bangunan tengah buat, discuss dengan 'kepala' Indon komplen kenapa projek lambat siap kat Indon tadi. (Topi kuning utk pekerja buruh la bang ).
5. Adegan doktor kat Wad check pesakit. Ambik fail hujung katil,selak-selak. Dialog wajib : "Kesihatan awak bertambah baik. Banyakkan berehat dan jangan lupa makan ubat ". ( Woi bang, tengokla cerita ER tu, Dr ada medical terms dia ).
6. Adegan kat umah. Ayah mesti tengah baca paper, Mak mesti tengah menjahit atau lipat baju. Orang gaji tengah basuh pinggan. Orang gaji mesti nama dia Mak Nab atau Mak Jah.
7. Nak panjangkan rakaman filem mesti ada adegan kereta sampai kat umah, bukak pintu kereta, bukak pintu pagar, masuk balik kereta, drive masuk car porch, keluar, tutup pintu pagar.
8. Adegan sembahyang mesti dah salam akhir or adegan mengaji Quran mesti dah sampai part sadakallah hulazim. ( Cover line kot ).
9. Gangster atau kuncu orang jahat mesti pakai baju takder lengan, pakai rantai dan pakai bracelet.
10. Nak bagi sedih gila, mesti buat adegan dah tahu nak mati pasal kena barah otak.
Drama/Filem Cina.
1. Cerita Kungfu, hero terror boleh terbang. Tapi sambung pengembaraan mesti jalan kaki. Apsal tak terbang jek. Kan cepat sampai.
2. Hero mesti miskin gila. Tapi mesti ada sekeping or 2 keping duit siling kat celah lengan besar jubah dia.
3. Kalau cerita moden hero boleh lawan dan tewaskan 30 orang penjahat serentak.
4. Biasalah, kalau kena tembak mesti kat bahu or kat kaki. Tak mati.
5. Heroin mesti jadi bini or girlfriend boss penjahat dan jatuh cinta kat hero.
6. Hero mesti menembak pakai 2 pistol, kiri dan kanan. Macam Chow Yuen Fatt dalam filem 'A Better Tomorrow'. Tapi best ooo.....
7. Pistol hero mesti peluru tak habis2. Tak payah reload.
8. Cerita hantu, hantu dia biasanya pakai bedak muka tebal2 dan hitamkan keliling mata. Kat bibir ada darah meleleh. ( Tak seram pun ).
9. Kalau cerita lucu plak, mesti ada adegan air liur meleleh keluar mulut macam air paip.
10. Cerita Blue dia pun tak best. Awek mengerang jek lebih.
Drama/Filem India/Hindustan.
1. Biasalah, kebanyakan cerita bermula dengan 2 beradik terpisah. Sorang di bela oleh orang jahat dan sorang lagi dibela oleh orang baik. Dah besar, abang jadi Inspektor Sahab dan adik jadi gangster. Nak abih cerita mesti adik kena tembak ngan abang dan waktu nazak baru si bang tahu yang dia tembak tadi adalah adiknya sendiri melalui tanda parut.
2. Orang jahat digambarkan tersangat jahat sampai lembu pun takut.
3. Selalunya depa suka ciplak bulat2 filem barat macam Pretty Woman, Face Off dan Heat.
4. Paling pendek pun jangkamasa tayangan adalah 3 jam.
5. Orang jahat dan hero payah nak mati walaupun kepala dah kena ktuk dengan tukul besi.
6. Hero tak kena tembak walaupun ditembak dari jarak satu kaki.
7. Adegan joget sambil menyanyi akan melibatkan penari iringan seramai satu kampong dan bertukar 7 atau 8 pasang pakaian untuk setiap lokasi hanya untuk satu lagu.
8. Adegan keretapi tak leh tertinggal. Joget reramai sampai atas bumbung keretapi.
9. Kalau cerita moden, dialog mesti bercampur bahasa omputeh dan Hindi. Contoh ' I'm sorry. I didn't know that na pere tomhe cha....bla....bla....bla...'.
10. Biasanya plot dan jalan cerita da boleh baca apa penyudahnya. Tu yang pelik ramai plak yang tunggu sampai abih.
1. 80% jalan cerita berkisar tentang:
a. Cinta.
b. Cinta 3 segi.
c. Cinta 4 segi.
d. Anak-anak rebut harta pusaka.
e. Kalau keluarga kaya, anak2 rebut sapa nak gantikan Tan Sri (ayah) jadi Pengerusi, CEO atau Presiden syarikat.
2. Walau pun cerita pasal awek kilang, rumah awek kilang ni mesti complete furnished. Ada TV 29", Home Teatre, peti sejuk besar, set sofa mewah. (Director tak buat home work ker? Pegi la tengok umah awek kilang kat Sungei Way tu).
3. Cerita polis lak, dialah pegawai penyiasat, dialah jadi forensic, dialah jadi pathologist, dialah yang gi ambush. Semuanya DIA yang buat. Polis lak dialog pakai bahasa buku. "Saya rasa kita patut siasat dengan lebih terperinci tuan". " Betul cadangan awak itu. Kita bertindak sekarang".
4. Kalau cerita pasal Construction, bawak satu pelan gulung, pakai topi KUNING, tunjuk-tunjuk kat bangunan tengah buat, discuss dengan 'kepala' Indon komplen kenapa projek lambat siap kat Indon tadi. (Topi kuning utk pekerja buruh la bang ).
5. Adegan doktor kat Wad check pesakit. Ambik fail hujung katil,selak-selak. Dialog wajib : "Kesihatan awak bertambah baik. Banyakkan berehat dan jangan lupa makan ubat ". ( Woi bang, tengokla cerita ER tu, Dr ada medical terms dia ).
6. Adegan kat umah. Ayah mesti tengah baca paper, Mak mesti tengah menjahit atau lipat baju. Orang gaji tengah basuh pinggan. Orang gaji mesti nama dia Mak Nab atau Mak Jah.
7. Nak panjangkan rakaman filem mesti ada adegan kereta sampai kat umah, bukak pintu kereta, bukak pintu pagar, masuk balik kereta, drive masuk car porch, keluar, tutup pintu pagar.
8. Adegan sembahyang mesti dah salam akhir or adegan mengaji Quran mesti dah sampai part sadakallah hulazim. ( Cover line kot ).
9. Gangster atau kuncu orang jahat mesti pakai baju takder lengan, pakai rantai dan pakai bracelet.
10. Nak bagi sedih gila, mesti buat adegan dah tahu nak mati pasal kena barah otak.
Drama/Filem Cina.
1. Cerita Kungfu, hero terror boleh terbang. Tapi sambung pengembaraan mesti jalan kaki. Apsal tak terbang jek. Kan cepat sampai.
2. Hero mesti miskin gila. Tapi mesti ada sekeping or 2 keping duit siling kat celah lengan besar jubah dia.
3. Kalau cerita moden hero boleh lawan dan tewaskan 30 orang penjahat serentak.
4. Biasalah, kalau kena tembak mesti kat bahu or kat kaki. Tak mati.
5. Heroin mesti jadi bini or girlfriend boss penjahat dan jatuh cinta kat hero.
6. Hero mesti menembak pakai 2 pistol, kiri dan kanan. Macam Chow Yuen Fatt dalam filem 'A Better Tomorrow'. Tapi best ooo.....
7. Pistol hero mesti peluru tak habis2. Tak payah reload.
8. Cerita hantu, hantu dia biasanya pakai bedak muka tebal2 dan hitamkan keliling mata. Kat bibir ada darah meleleh. ( Tak seram pun ).
9. Kalau cerita lucu plak, mesti ada adegan air liur meleleh keluar mulut macam air paip.
10. Cerita Blue dia pun tak best. Awek mengerang jek lebih.
Drama/Filem India/Hindustan.
1. Biasalah, kebanyakan cerita bermula dengan 2 beradik terpisah. Sorang di bela oleh orang jahat dan sorang lagi dibela oleh orang baik. Dah besar, abang jadi Inspektor Sahab dan adik jadi gangster. Nak abih cerita mesti adik kena tembak ngan abang dan waktu nazak baru si bang tahu yang dia tembak tadi adalah adiknya sendiri melalui tanda parut.
2. Orang jahat digambarkan tersangat jahat sampai lembu pun takut.
3. Selalunya depa suka ciplak bulat2 filem barat macam Pretty Woman, Face Off dan Heat.
4. Paling pendek pun jangkamasa tayangan adalah 3 jam.
5. Orang jahat dan hero payah nak mati walaupun kepala dah kena ktuk dengan tukul besi.
6. Hero tak kena tembak walaupun ditembak dari jarak satu kaki.
7. Adegan joget sambil menyanyi akan melibatkan penari iringan seramai satu kampong dan bertukar 7 atau 8 pasang pakaian untuk setiap lokasi hanya untuk satu lagu.
8. Adegan keretapi tak leh tertinggal. Joget reramai sampai atas bumbung keretapi.
9. Kalau cerita moden, dialog mesti bercampur bahasa omputeh dan Hindi. Contoh ' I'm sorry. I didn't know that na pere tomhe cha....bla....bla....bla...'.
10. Biasanya plot dan jalan cerita da boleh baca apa penyudahnya. Tu yang pelik ramai plak yang tunggu sampai abih.
think big
Monday, June 14, 2010
1. Act, don’t react. Rich people make things happen rather than letting things simply happen to them. This means that you have to stop waiting for things to fall into your lap because this just isn’t going to happen. Being proactive will force the issue rather than being passive. This will help the job seeker.
2. Be committed. Rich people are committed to being rich while poor people simply want to be rich. If you sit by and just wish for something to happen it’s not likely that your prayers will be answered. You’re not living a fairy tale; you have to grab your life by the horns.
3. Focus on opportunities. Rich people will always look for the opportunity to improve themselves while poor people will only consider the obstacles that are restricting them from thriving.
4. Associate yourself with successful people. Rich people surround themselves with other successful people. Making these sorts of connections will help motivate you to further succeed. If you only hang around with people that don’t care to better themselves you’ll fall in line with them. Remember: misery breeds misery.
5. Consider both sides to an issue. Rich people will consider both sides to of the coin while poor people will consider “either/or.” Analyze a given situation by sizing up all your options. This will put you in a better position to make a proper decision on how to proceed.
6. Keep learning. Rich people never stop the learning process. Poor people think they already know it all. Being close-minded won’t get you very far as you’ll constantly be closing doors instead of opening new ones. Information is the key to success, the more you know the more attractive you’ll be in the job market.
7. Fear is your friend. Rich people thrive on fear and turn it into positives. On the flip side, poor people will cower when put in a pressure-packed situation. If you can funnel this negative energy into positive energy you’ll be ready to take on any situation that may arise.
It is You...6
What if you dont hav a gut to say it.. what if you dont feel to say it..what if you afraid to say it, what if you hesitate , what if you keep ur fckin mouth shut, what if you think its not you fuckn problem,
what if you dont know how to say it, what if you forget to say it,what if you want to wait another 25mins..(listen to 25min -MLTR), what if you feel to say it in diff way, what if you feel to use sign language to say it,what if you wanna use an object to represent it, what if you too damn bz to say it,
what if you hates to say it , what if you unable to talk anymore........
Yes..communication A<----------->B other word connecting..etc..(Communication is the process to impart information from a sender to a receiver with the use of a medium)-wikipedia
sumbody says truth hurt.. so what happen if you cant say it.. How much longer you hav to say the truth..face it..either u want it or not.. you hav to say it.. feel lost..need to ask for it, need a break, u hav to say it, if you feel you want her/ need to say it.. be strong.. be tough.. coz's all for you..feel to show your mood..say it!!.show it..feel to hate / lov sumone.. say it..
..say it...HOW MUCH hav to suffer of choosing not to say can be visualize,verbally or abstract ..coz main objective is to hav a connection.. A < will know wat the hell > B needs/wants/desire..its look like a simple process.. but actually it's not.. happens to all.. so it's normal... and
up to you... either shd or shd not.. now or later....coz we dont hv any fckn idea wat gonna happen in the future... no point to appreciate / or say it.. when she/he is gone...pointless..what a waste..just becoz of your lame excuses ...not to say it.It Is You.
I hated it when it happen.. hated it.. huh...harap ade penggerak..hati utk bergerak..
DSLR artwork
i love to share with you what i feels about the latest & hotest gadjet in town..
DSLR.. means digital single-lens reflex.
the first thing came out my mouth when i 1st saw what it can do..was... pergh!! cun gile.. meaning.. this thing really deliver what every photography wanted.. a nice brilliant picture.. tak kisah la shot dr angel mane pun.. celah pokok ke,, bawah kereta ke,, the result never disappointed me.
my bff Zahar hav 1 DSLR .. canon EOS 500.. he love it so much.. mcm bini dah aku tgk..kesana kemari ngan kamera tuh.. but at least he got and know what he want to..what he like.. not like some amateur who follow the season... esok2 org pakai videocam.. dia beli videocam plak..
the resolutions r large, sharp and easy to handle..setting..
even a beginner like myself could create a few masterpiece shot. ( aku punye suke la blog aku.. ko jeles pehal?)
but.. what make it more interesting is.. we can edit and groom more the image so we could have an excellent result.. its depend. some prefer original..where the result depend on how you set the camera manually.. some prefer edit after shot...
here some of my editing to create a retro mood to a pic..
credit to zahar who allow me to edit his pics..
It is You...5
aku pun lupe, camne aku dpt idea tulis ni.. sound more like crap..but really make sense aea??
Been followed that path....deeply ..obviously it became part of you..follow the red car..and the red car wll be part of you...follow the highway became half of you..
if you choose to follow the ice cream guy.. so u will always thnk bout the ice cream,,colour , texture ,feel..taste..sweet sweett sweet.hmmm sedappnyew...
..f u thnk it's sweet,, and sweet wat u get.. but nobody know where will the ice cream guy end up by the end of the day... what he really offer..? long lasting sweetness..aiskrim biasenye cepat cair laa..
it's normal to judge from from what we experienced ..from dis ice creeam guy...what if we really dont know him..dont know what he you still follow the 'bell' .ring ring ring!puzzle..puzzle..
again.... it is know it's sweet and u eat it anyway... you know it deep.. you jump into it any know it's blue.. you painted it any way.. such a waste what you hv learned..watched..exp
.to...use it as a guideline...some told me..ppl changes.. a their life..sum changed when they rich..
some..when they it's possible to change..but still up to you to change it..decide..choose..
..learn.. think..wish...pray..and lastly tawakal..
mak aku kata...belajar berjimat.. tp aku x dengar.. duk ikut iice cream guy jew...sedapp laaa..
tp smpai bila nk makan aiskrim ni ... ?
my ways... how about you?
hows your interpretation toward this lyric?
And now, the end is here
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full
I traveled each and ev'ry highway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way
Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way
I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fill, my share of losing
And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way,
"Oh, no, oh, no, not me, I did it my way"
For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows and did it my way!
(P. Anka, J. Revaux, G. Thibault, C. Frankois)
[Recorded December 30, 1968, Hollywod]..
'song that make me PROUD for who i am now.
positive self-talk
i founded last weeks & it does make sense..
try to understand
New ways to reduce impact of idealism in your life
In order to reduce the impact of idealism in your life, you need to follow these steps:
First: Identify in which life spheres your idealism creates problems for you. The life spheres are:
* Marriage or relationships with significant others
* Home life
* Parenting or child management
* School
* Work
* Community involvements
* Recovery program
* Friendships
Then for each life sphere follow the next steps.
Second: Identify the ideals, the "musts"' which create problems for you.
Third: Identify what controlling behaviors result from your idealism.
Fourth: Identify the non-productive or negative behavioral responses you receive or witness which arise from your idealism.
Fifth: Identify the irrational beliefs or perfectionistic tendencies at the base of each of your ideals which create the problems for you.
Sixth: Take each irrational belief, should, must do or perfectionistic tendency and identify a healthier, more rational and more realistic alternative substitute which will tone down your ideals.
Seventh: Do anger work and other emotional-release work to get your emotional and feelings life more integrated into your new, more rational, healthy and realistic thinking.
Eighth: Identify new, more politically reasonable, realistic and rational behaviors which will encourage your success and happiness in each life sphere.
Ninth: Implement the new, politically sound behaviors and monitor the effect they have on the people in each life sphere.
Tenth: Reward yourself for being more rational, realistic, healthy and politically sound, for your new, less idealistic behaviors. Use positive self-talk to remind yourself that:
* There is only one person in life you can change or control--you!
* You don't always have to be the most perfect, most ideal or best achiever in order to achieve success in life.
* Things don't always have to go your way in order for you to feel happy and successful.
* It is OK for you and others to experience failure or mistakes, It is not the end of the world.
* Perfection is not always possible in this lifetime. The only perfect being is God.
* It is OK to accept the political realities of life to survive around here.
* If it comes to the point where I can no longer survive around here, it would be healthier for me to leave the situation than to stay and be destroyed.
* If I stay around here knowing that it will eventually destroy me, then it is my own choice and I can no longer complain about it.
* It is better to keep my idealistic and perfectionistic attitudes to myself than to inflict them on others who have no desire to become like I want them to be. If I cannot live with this reality, then it would be better for me to leave the situation than to inflict others with my rigidity, irrationality, unhealthiness and over-controlling, "better-than-thou" attitudes.
* I am responsible for my own life and happiness. I am deserving of my efforts at making my ideals more realistic so that I can be successful around here.
Eleventh: Continue to implement more realistic, less idealistic and less perfectionistic behaviors in all of your life spheres. Continuously monitor how you are allowing your ideals to control your life and the lives of others.
Twelfth: If you fall back into an overly idealistic state in one or more of your life spheres, return to the first step and begin all over again.
Read more:
It is You...4
Ok... now life become more complicated..time past by.. the more complicated it will will be 'shoot' bang! frm every angel .. and come MR 'dilema'... perasaan belah bagi.. (mase tu mula la wish bley klon badan)bombardment of thousand question... SHd i.. shd not.. would i.. would not.. red? blue? pink..short?.. choices...yes.. everybody wish for a perfect life.. but..perfect only for God.. that the bottom line.. so again.. it's you to chose how ur life will be.. sum said... wat goes around came around..karma ktanye..and sumtime it's true... but.. you shd not totally rely on fate.. berserah jew...
usaha kna ade...kalo x by ur own.. maybe wiz sumbody's you who conquer ur world.. it's you who chose to be's you who refuse to open up...and iti was u who chose that path B4..
usaha kna ade...kalo x by ur own.. maybe wiz sumbody's you who conquer ur world.. it's you who chose to be's you who refuse to open up...and iti was u who chose that path B4..
It is You...3
Now is about choices..what's wrong wiz many choices, and what wrong if there is no choice at all.Ppl wiz many choice will be a little bit choosy,red,black, or crystal..and ppl wiz no choice.. will choose wat is around them..wat to do.. but both category can hv many choices how you open up for wat around you, try to be creative..if no green available,.u can mix blue and yellow to get green..yes it's not simple as mixing colours..but get's was you who want to be choosy..or not to be..
langit mane yg selalu langit mane yg selalu gelap.
-somebody said to me.. it's you who made the different..
langit mane yg selalu langit mane yg selalu gelap.
-somebody said to me.. it's you who made the different..
It is You...2
how do you know that you in control.. ?an easy way to know that you in control of your life is... ask yourself (lu pk la sendiri)find ways to take that control back. Most likely your life is being controlled by enviroment,frensss, your needs and demands. so find the best way to get that control back..get to know yourself more..ur ability, max limit, what you r really good at.. maybe you not so good in dealing towiz your desktop work but good at meeting people.. it;s really hard to know your true potential but the time will come when u realize it's you who control yourself..feel good bout ur self.. that what i've learn when i had my bad day ..
bukan susah nk susah, bukan senang nk senang..
-betul la mak gua pesan.. jgn duk ikut orang sgt.. dia dgn caranye.. kta biar cara kta..- kan?
bukan susah nk susah, bukan senang nk senang..
-betul la mak gua pesan.. jgn duk ikut orang sgt.. dia dgn caranye.. kta biar cara kta..- kan?
It is You...
look at a's you,..nobody else..why try so hard to be perfect or someone else..who can change do!..who shd make decision what to wear today?again it's you..and many more example we faced it's all about visualize ..what we see.. that what we expect , get , etc.
another ex: who shd be punish for your mistake.?who shd think why she/he dont like you?who can change your stail?who shd decide your soul mate..? answer YOU!.who shd you ask if nobody like you anymore or
stay away from you.. hahhaaha.nobody can change who you are,how you look,talk,dance,work.. when you no allow it...a fact that everybody including me shd keep in our small is you.. and be always you..
let start a blog
hye there,
its been a while, so .. soo long i started writing. an idea , self thought , thoughts that formed created in my mind small brain.
such a good way for expressing assorted feelings. everybody had it,my friends..and my wife just started writing too.. i think nowadays.. ppl love to write,.. in order to show and share their feels..pendek kata... . so now,,.. it could be one of a way for me to kill time & share wiz u guys.. what my idealism , idom / criticism are all about..
note that my next posting are pulled from my FB's noted ..that was written long time a go..influenced by daily/monthly observations & visualize
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